Message From The Chief of Staff

Dear Hoyas,

I am delighted to introduce myself as your Chief of Staff. My name is Zarrish Ahmed, and I am honoured to serve you in this capacity. As a passionate advocate for student empowerment and engagement, I am committed to working tirelessly to enhance your university experience.

Let me share a little bit about myself. I am an IPOL major from the Class of 2026. I am a proud Pakistani and an aspiring politician.

As your Chief of Staff, my role is to ensure that your voices are heard, your concerns are addressed, and your ideas are implemented. I am committed to advocate for your needs and make a positive impact on our campus.

Remember, you are the driving force behind the positive change we can bring to our university community. Your enthusiasm and involvement are essential in shaping our collective future. Together, we will create an environment where each student feels valued, supported, and empowered.