Diet and Nutrition

What I should know already:

  • There are nutrients in food which are good for our body.

  • The journey of the digestive system and the role each part plays.

Listen to the song below if you are unsure of the journey food takes!

Key Vocabulary

Vocabulary Definition


Consumed by something.


Yellow-green fluid that is made by the liver.


The movement of a substance from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.


The part of food that helps with digestion.


The goodness in food.


A group or two of atoms.


The long chains of sugar molecules linked together.

Absorption of Nutrients

  • Large insoluble molecules are broken down into small molecules which can be used by our body. Bile and Enzymes help to break the food down.

  • Carbohydrates are broken down into sugars, proteins are broken down into amino acids, fats are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol.

  • The small intestines are made up of loads of finger-like projections called Villi. The Villi increase the surface area of the small intestines, the larger the surface area the more absorption that can take place.

  • Each Villus has a tiny blood vessel called a Capillary and a Lacteal. The food molecules are absorbed here where it can be transported around the body where it is needed.

  • Food needs to be broken down so it can pass through the holes in the small intestines.

  • Diffusion allows the movement of molecules from a high concentrated area to a low concentrated area where it is much more useful.

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