Mexican Red-Knee Tarantula
Mexican red-knee tarantulas (Brachypelma smithi) are listed as Near Threatened by the IUCN. They are a carnivorous species that consume insects, frogs, small lizards, and mice, which they usually ambush. Being most active at night, they are nocturnal. Males typically live between 5 to 10 years in comparison to females that typically live for 25 to 30 years. They are generally a docile species, however, if they are threatened they may display their fangs whilst rearing up or flip barbed hairs off of their abdomen.
Handling information: Ensure hands are wet before handling.
Cleaning information:
Latin name:
Enclosure 8.
Description: Female. Black with orange stripes down the leg.
Temperament: This animal is not able to be handled.
Giesler, A. and Zaitz, D. (n.d.). Brachypelma smithi. Available at: [Accessed 25th August 2022].
IUCN (2018). Brachypelma smithi. Available at: [Accessed 25th August 2022].
Maryland Zoo (n.d.). Mexican redknee tarantula. Available at: [Accessed 25th August 2022].