
Curriculum Vision

The Gainesville Choirs will focus on collaboration, creativity, and quality through our repertoire and classroom experiences. For the ‘21-’22 school year, the Choirs will consist of SSAA, TTBB, and SATB Choirs. We will focus on developing our content knowledge surrounding music literacy, performance technique, and more using a variety of approaches. Most importantly, the Gainesville Choirs will work to build a family of musicians and global thinkers who are dedicated to their program and their community. There will be a multitude of performance and extra-curricular opportunities available, including concerts, small group performances, and auditioned honor ensembles.


Black Music Folder (provided)


Concert Music (provided)

Concert Attire (Rental and purchasing options will be provided in the Fall)


Students will need to rent or purchase a concert uniform from the school (cost TBD).

Meet the Staff

IMG_4437 - Kristina

Mrs. Sheppard

Choral Director