
HMC Clinic teams must follow all standard shop procedures (including required safety training). In addition, Clinic teams are expected to allocate budget for tooling expenses and are responsible for paying for their own tooling. This includes any consumable or specialized tooling and anything that you chip, damage, or break.

If you know you are going to make extensive use of a 1/8" endmill, for example, please order one and use the Shop's until it arrives. If you are just going to use several different tools a little bit each, use your judgment on how much to order. Our goal is for Clinic teams to put more into the shop than they cost it (from broken tools, wear, etc.). When in doubt, use your judgment and/or ask your Clinic advisor.

Clinic teams often have special machining requests. Please expect to do all machining yourself, including the time investment to learn any necessary skills. That being said, there are several cases where the machine shop manager may do some work for you. If this is the case, plan ahead and give plenty of time (at the absolute minimum a week) for the job.

For more information about Engineering Clinic at HMC, visit: