
Frequently Asked Questions

Under renewal

1.  What is QSTEP doctoral exercise?
It refers to the doctoral exercise of each department. For example, in the case of Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems (EEIS), the EEIS doctoral exercise corresponds to the QSTEP doctoral exercise. For departments that do not have the doctoral exercise, you need to contact the professor in charge in your department. For Department of Advanced Materials Science (Graduate School of Frontier Sciences), the options include: self-directed joint research, long-term overseas dispatch (at least 1 month), corporate internship (at least 1 month), and entrepreneur challenge.

2How is the Qualifying Examination (QE) conducted?
In the School of Engineering and the School of Frontier Sciences, the QE is the pre-defense of the doctoral thesis. In the School of Science and the School of Arts and Sciences, please wait for further instructions from the faculty members in your department.