

Documents to be submitted for new FY2023 (Fall semester) Q-STEP fellowship students

The information required for the contract procedure will be entered on the "新学生経済支援管理システム".

URL: https://student-support-ap.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/auth/ldap/apply/

1. For Engineering /新規委嘱登録:工学系学生

 ・新規登録(Registration)→To choose「学内申請者/UTokyo students」.

2. For Non-Engineering (New student from other university)

・新規登録(Registration)→To choose「学外申請者/external applicants」.

The deadline is Tuesday, October 3.

Please note that we will not be able to pay your salary if you do not complete the form in time.

委嘱通知書 generated from the information you have entered is also required for the tuition waiver procedure. 

Documents to be submitted for new FY2023 Q-STEP fellowship students

The information required for the contract procedure should be submitted from the "新学生経済支援管理システム". 

1.  For students in Graduate School of Engineering


・新規登録(Registration)→ To choose「WINGS-QSTEP」from the pull-down menu. 

2. For students in other schools (Science / Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / Frontier Science) and new students from other universities

・新規登録(Registration)→ To choose「WINGS-QSTEP」from the pull-down menu.

Please fill out and upload the attached 扶養控除申告書 or 乙申告書.

The deadline is Monday, April 3.

Please note that we will not be able to pay your salary if you do not complete the form in time.

委嘱通知書 generated from the information you have entered is also required for the tuition waiver procedure.

Documents to be submitted for new FY2022 Q-STEP fellowship students (2nd recruitment)

For the applicants who have been awarded the fellowship, please let the Q-STEP office (office at q-step.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) know by email if you are willing to accept the fellowship. In this case, please also inform us of your enrollment date of doctoral course, whether you are receiving other scholarships or financial assistance, and your expected arrival date if you are an international student who has not arrived in Japan yet.

Please submit the following the documents. Note that we are not able to provide the fellowship if there are any delays. These documents are also necessary for the tuition fee waiver procedure. Please submit the「給与振込申出書 」 and 「扶養控除等申告書 」to 「電気系 Q-STEP事務局 平井 」 through the in-campus mail (学内便). Other documents should be uploaded to the following link.


Please submit the required documents by September 30. If there are mistakes or lacks in the documents, we cannot complete the procedure, so please submit as soon as possible.

-01委嘱者連絡票 Contact form

Please fill in the yellow part.

-02卓越リサーチ・アシスタント研究業務計画表Research Work Schedule

Please fill in the yellow part.


-03給与振込申出書 Application for the salary bank transfer

Please submit the original to Q-STEP office. International students are required to submit also the copy of the cover and the first page of the bankbook and the both sides copy of the residence card.


-04扶養控除等申告書Application for the dependent deduction

Please submit the original to Q-STEP office.

-05 「指導教員の確認票Confirmation by the supervisor of WINGS-QSTEP students 

Please ask your supervisor to submit this form.

Guidance of FY2022 Fellowship students (Spring

Guidance material, Lecture list

Documents to be submitted for new FY2022 Q-STEP fellowship students

Please submit the following the documents. Note that we are not able to provide the fellowship if there are any delays. These documents are also necessary for the tuition fee waiver procedure. Please submit the「給与振込申出書 」 and 「扶養控除等申告書 」to 「電気系 Q-STEP事務局 平井 」 through the in-campus mail (学内便). Other documents should be uploaded to the following link.


Please submit the required documents by March 31. If there are mistakes or lacks in the documents, we cannot complete the procedure, so please submit as soon as possible.

-01委嘱者連絡票 Contact form

Please fill in the yellow part.

-02卓越リサーチ・アシスタント研究業務計画表Research Work Schedule

Please fill in the yellow part.


-03給与振込申出書 Application for the salary bank transfer

Please submit the original to Q-STEP office. International students are required to submit also the copy of the cover and the first page of the bankbook and the both sides copy of the residence card.


-04扶養控除等申告書Application for the dependent deduction

Please submit the original to Q-STEP office.

-05 「指導教員の確認票Confirmation by the supervisor of WINGS-QSTEP students 

Please ask your supervisor to submit this form.


*06卓越リサーチ・アシスタント研究業務実施報告書Monthly report form

Please submit the report by the 22th of every month (when it falls on a week-end or holiday, the previous weekday). Your seal (or signature), your supervisor’s seal and comments are required.

Guidance of FY2021 Fellowship students (Autumn

Guidance material

Q-STEP accepts application for secondary recruitment from first year Doctor's students who enrolled in Autum 2020 and in Spring 2021.

Guidance of FY2021 Fellowship students (spring) 2021.4.7

Q-STEP accepts application from first year Doctor's students who enrolled in Autum 2020 and will enrolled in Spring 2021.