Safe and Caring Schools

Fort McMurray Public School Division has policies directly related to Safe and Caring Schools for our students which you can view HERE. In addition to this, we are working on improving our school environments to help First Nation, Metis and Inuit students feel welcome, cared for and connected to their culture.

Each of our High schools has a gathering space which includes academic support, cultural activities, an area to smudge and nutrition station. Suncor has donated teepees at Thickwood Heights, Ecole Dickinsfield and Westwood Community High School. The Metis Local 1935 also donated a huge tent for our our outdoor classroom learning.

Our Elementary schools focus on the 7 Teachings and Residential School education through truth and reconciliation education activities and projects.

We piloted an Elders in Residence program this year in addition to our brand new Elders Council to consult with the Education team. We have had multiple successful Land Based Learning Camps for all age groups including Hide Camp, Beaver teachings, Fish Camp and Mamawi Kapesiwin.