Educational Support Employee Professional Learning

Andrea Morgan

Support Employee Professional Growth Manager

Organizational Development

✉ Andrea Morgan 

☎ 240-236-8881

Twitter: @AMorgan_FCPS

Looking For Professional Learning Opportunities??  Check These Out...

Interested in learning more? 

We are interested in hearing from you! Are there topics that you would like to learn more about, areas in your job that require more hands-on learning, or skills that you would like to master? Please complete our Training Topics Survey and let us know how we can best support you! 

FCPS Educational Support Employee Newsletter 

2021 - 2022 Newsletters

Fourth Edition- May 2022

Third Edition- March 2022

Second edition- December 2021

Inaugural Issue -  September 2021

Additional Resources

Monthly Open House Virtual Meetings with Andrea 

Meeting Details:

Support Employee Role Specific Internal Webpage 

Click here to access the internal FCPS Support Staff website.