Attendance Suppot

What to do?

Source: Attendance Works

The Importance of Attendance

3 tips for Better Attendance

A pep talk for students

Why school attendance matters and how to improve it! 

Why is attendance important?



Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school—and themselves. Start building this habit in preschool so they learn right away that going to school on time, every day is important. Eventually good attendance will be a skill that will help them succeed in high school and college. 


Elementary Attendance Handout

Full remote learning attendance Elementary 

*Two way communication between student and teacher is required weekly for full remote students at Home Choice Academy.

School anxiety and what families can do to help

Back to School Anxiety article from Child Mind Institute

School Refusal article from Harvard Medical School

Recommended Therapy's for school avoidance/anxiety  

School Anxiety in Children: Causes, Signs, and What to Do

Activity: Make an attendance song

Activity: Make a schedule together


Even as children grow older and more independent, families play a key role in making sure students access learning opportunities and understand why attendance is so important for success in school and on the job. Families can also advocate for resources to help students learn if they cannot attend in-person.


Middle School Attendance Handout

Full remote learning attendance Middle School

*Two way communication between student and teacher is required weekly for full remote students at Home Choice Academy.

School anxiety and what families can do to help

Back to School Anxiety article from Child Mind Institute

School Refusal article from Harvard Medical School

Recommended Therapy's for school avoidance/anxiety  

8 ways to help your middle-schooler connect with other kids

How to help others with school stress


Parenting Tip

You control your Childs environment not your Childs Choices. So take everything away until they earn it through a specific behavior (maybe attending school everyday for 2 weeks or helping with family chores for 2 weeks). Have them slowly earn back their wants/ privilege's through commitment to the desired behavioral expectation. sit down with them and make T chart listing their needs and wants.  Make is clear to your child that needs like food and your love will always be there for them. They will have what they need. However, if they want anything else they have to earn it by_______________.  Until that time you can clear your Childs environment of everything else: toys, doors, electronics, favorite clothes, etc. Don't forget to give them lots words of love and affirmation. This will be a tough transition for them. 

What can I do? Help your student build Developmental Assets with healthy regular daily routines!

Developmental Assets 

Build a weekly schedule together!  Use pictures and hang it where everyone can see it!  Having a regular routine helps kids thrive! teens need to feel empowered so create their schedule with them!

Over time, studies of more than 5 million young people consistently show that the more assets that young people have, the less likely they are to engage in a wide range of high-risk behaviors and the more likely they are to thrive.

Research shows that students with the most assets are more likely to:

Research also shows these students are the least likely to engage in risky behaviors like: 

Developmental Assets by age:

Family Resources:

Source: search institute

Possible schedules from the Children's Center :

*This is a starting point to add in developmental assets like 1 hour of reading to help fosters a commitment to learning or to work on positive identity you could do daily positive affirmations as a family.