Parent Incarceration

Sesame Street in Communities website has numerous articles and videos

both in English and Spanish to help parents talk with their children about

another parent being in jail or prison.

Coping With Incarceration

The incarceration of a loved one can be overwhelming for both children and caregivers. Because of the feeling of stigma, it takes special effort to start important conversations and answer kids’ questions. But parents can comfort children and guide them through difficult moments just by talking. With love and support, the family can cope with the challenges of incarceration together.


El encarcelamiento de un ser querido puede ser algo muy abrumador para los niños y sus cuidadores. Debido al estigma del encarcelamiento se requiere de un gran esfuerzo para iniciar conversaciones importantes y contestar las preguntas de los niños. Los padres pueden consolar a los niños y guiarlos en los momentos difíciles, hablándoles sobre lo que pasa. Con amor y apoyo la familia puede lidiar con los retos que trae consigo el encarcelamiento.

This article addresses the growing family problem of incarcerated mothers. These children frequently face the loss of their homes, family, friends, and schools. Grandmothers are often the ones that provide needed stability and love to these children.

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