Frayer Model

This instructional strategy promotes critical thinking and helps students to identify and understand unfamiliar vocabulary.

Thinking Strategies - Anticipate - Frayer Model.pdf

Ideas for Integrating the Frayer Model

  • Post Frayer Models: They can be vividly portrayed on a student-constructed Web site, in a short video, or in a classroom display.
  • Guess the word: Display a completed Frayer model without mentioning the word or concept. Ask students to guess the word, based on the clues given. If they are not able to identify the word prior to reading, allow them to read through the reading portion and then identify the word. Give this activity as a group task and the group that finishes identifying all the words first wins.
  • Give incomplete templates: Instruct student groups to fill in the incomplete templates. This can help activate prior understanding and help connect it to the new information. Critical analysis is stimulated when students are instructed to rationalize their answers.
  • Carousel Brainstorming: You can use the Frayer model in combination with carousel brainstorming. Different templates can be placed around the classroom in separate workstations. Each group is given a time of 2-3 minutes to fill any box of the template. At the end of time, the group moves to the next template. They can also add additional information to the boxes already filled. At the end of the exercise, each group can summarize the template they ended at.


Vocabulary Slide Deck (Example)

Blog: Frayer Model + Google Slides = Vocabulary Slide Deck! (Student Example above)


The Teacher Toolkit has four downloadable templates (Word docs) - Landscape, Portrait, 4 per page and a Foldable version

Worksheet allows you to personalize and download a Frayer model 'worksheet' (pdf).

A full one page Frayer Model is available within Google Slides. Click the image to the right to open it in a new window and make a copy to customize your Frayer Model.

Frayer Model Template