April/May/june 2024

It has been a very busy few months. We have started learning a lot of new skills and chose to learn about Dinosaurs. As well as this, we have started our second pathway as part of our 'Can Do' Curriculum. Read below to find out more!


Within Literacy, we have been learning how to write clear, organised and detailed instructions. To help us write our first set of instructions, we made our own Play-Doh. Some of us loved this, some of us didn't enjoy getting our hands so sticky - oops! Now, when writing we can order our paragraphs using time connectives and we have started to use these in other pieces of work too. 

As well as instructional writing, we have started writing for enjoyment whilst focusing on writing in paragraphs. Miss McLauchlan has been teaching us the 'burger' method when structuring our own paragraphs. This is a really helpful way to remember how to use these in our writing! 

Finally, we have been working hard to broaden our vocabulary. To do this, we had a look at synonyms and antonyms. Some of us created our very own 'ANTonyms'. Miss McLauchlan was very impressed by these!

Numeracy and Mathematics

When completing our Numeracy and Mathematics targets, a lot of us have been learning and/or brushing up on our multiplication and division knoweldge. Primary 4 have been solving mutliplication and division word problems including 5 and 6 digit numbers - wow! We even had a go at writing our own word problems and asked a partner to solve these. 

Some of us have been learning all about area. We have started to learn what area is and how we can calculate the area by counting the squares inside a shape. We have used lots of materials around our classroom to create our own shapes and ask a peer to find the area of each one. 

Finally, a group of us have started to look at time to the nearest minute -wow! This has been tricky at first, but we have worked so hard to become experts at this and Miss McLauchlan is so proud of us. 


Well, we are having so much fun learning about Dinosaurs. We were very interested in learning about Dinosaurs so that is exactly what we did. First, we were sent on a scavanger hunt to learn as much as we could about different dinosaurs. We worked in a group to find the information around our clasroom and school. As a group, we had to decide how we wanted to display our learning and many of us chose to create a fabulous poster. 

Next, we have learned lots about the habitats that dinosaurs live in. We decided to recycle materials from home and in school to create our own dinosaur habitats. We were so proud of these that we decided to showcase them at our STEM fair, alongside our salt dough fossils. 

Finally, (and very disgustingly!) we had to dissect dinosaur poo! We used this evidence to learn about the diet of each dinosaur and identify if they are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. 

Health and Well-being

This block, we have been learning all about Badminton. Miss McLauchlan has learned that there are SO many experts in Primary 3/4. We have been learning how to serve correctly and been working very hard to keep a rally with our partners. Some of us have even began to take part in games with one another. We really enjoyed this!