
read the information on the left to learn a little bit more about your teacher.


To start our day pupils will begin their morning with a challenge starter which alternates between Maths and Literacy. Children are encouraged to independently get themselves organised for the day ahead and collect the resources needed for the morning challenge. 

During the morning the pupils will have their Literacy and Numeracy targets that will include a variety of learning experiences to allow the pupils to explore and share their learning in different ways.

In the afternoon we have further opportunities to extend our learning by exploring other areas of learning.

Our P.E days are Tuesday and Friday and pupils can keep their P.E kit in the cloakroom.

On a Tuesday Mrs Dickson takes the class for part of the day where she will cover PE and Science. 

Home learning is published on a Tuesday afternoon and is due back the following Monday. You will be able to find any tasks on Google Classroom.