November 2023


We have all transformed into writers over the past month. We have been learning lots about the elements of a story. Then, we have applied this learning to help us write our own stories. First, we planned our stories by thinking about the character, setting and plot. Then, we used our plans to help us during the writing process. We are very proud of the stories we have produced. As well as this, some of our Primary 4 pupils have enjoyed being the teacher for our Primary 3 pupils during our Spelling Quiz time! 

Maths and Numeracy

Across Maths and Numeracy we have been really lucky to work with Mr McCrae - our student teacher. Some of us have enjoyed exploring ,money, measuring, place value and time. Miss McLauchlan and Mr McCrae can't believe how hard working we all are!

"I have been learning about inverse calculations, I find this challenging sometimes." - L 


In Primary 3/4 we have enjoyed learning about religions around the world and places of worship. We started by discussing with a partner what we already know about this. It turns out we know a lot! 

"We learned about Synagogues, Christians and Mosques. I go to Mosque" - S

Story Mountains

Have a look at some of our Story Mountains. We used these to plan our stories.

H's Story Mountain

J's Story Mountain


Mr McRae has been teaching us how to create and construct our own models. We have been learning how forces can affect how our models move. We all worked with a partner to build our own balloon car. Once we had built our models we realised that we had to adjust our designs to make them move faster. 

Photo Gallery

We enjoy starting our morning off with some building!

J, Y, H and A building 3D objects and writing their properties

A, C and B estimating and measuring objetcs in the classroom. 

J & C were very proud of what they created!

We love building our own desks to work at. 

L worked so hard with her pasta spelling. 

S writing what he knows already about different religions. 

B&C working hard to complete some challenge cards.