Numeracy and Mathematics

“Mathematics is important in our everyday life, allowing us to make sense of the world around us and to manage our lives. Using mathematics enables us to model real-life situations and make connections and informed predictions. It equips us with the skills we need to interpret and analyse information, simplify and solve problems, assess risk and make informed decisions.”

Education Scotland


At Mearns Primary School pupils learn maths skills through discrete maths lessons and by applying skills to other areas of the curriculum. We use the East Renfrewshire Council Skills Framework for Mathematics and Numeracy to plan progressive experiences for our pupils.

Common Language and Methodology

Though pupils are taught to approach maths problems in a variety of ways, it is important that as they move through the school and onto Secondary that a common language is used and consistent ways of laying out working in order to avoid confusion. The document below shows the language and methodology used throughout the school and in both Mearns Castle High School and Eastwood High School.

Maths Cluster Common Language and Methodology.pdf

Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract

Pupils start by manipulating concrete materials in order to grasp concepts before moving on to using pictorial representations. This can involve using drawings and sketches to help understand the skills being developed. Finally more abstract calculations are completed, where pupils used numbers and written work to solve problems.

Outdoor Learning

At Mearns Primary School, pupils love getting outdoors and we use our outdoor spaces as much as possible. This could involve working with chalk; measuring features of the playground; creating fractions from natural materials; active numeracy games or even maths scavenger hunts in the wooded area.

Growth Mindset

We believe that everyone is capable of learning Numeracy and Mathematics skills. All pupils are encouraged to have a 'can do' attitude and think about how they can learn from any mistakes. Classes use Maths Journals and Number Talks to foster this approach and open discussions about views on Maths.

Events and Competitions

Throughout the year, classes take part in a range of events and competitions. This includes council-wide Sumdog competitions, Numeracy Day, The UK Mathematical Challenge, the Mearns Castle Cluster Maths Challenge and Maths Week Scotland. The work completed during the latest Maths Week Scotland can be found here.


Below is a ThingLink with links to games that may help pupils with different aspects of mathematics, a ThingLink with links to digital manipulatives that can be used at home to help pupils solve problems and samples of workshops produced this year. As restrictions have eased, we will be running live workshops next session, but also want to create a bank of online workshop videos that families can refer to.

If there is a particular area of mathematics that you wish to have assistance with, please click here to complete a short form with more information.

Please note that some sites do have a subscription option, but you are able to use the free version of these.

If you child would like to use Education City or Sumdog, their class teacher will be able to pass on their logon details if requested.

Games links

Manipulatives links

more useful websites can be found here

Ready-made WORKSHOP

P2 Numeracy

Numeracy workshop aimed at around P2 level. (Video)

This is a sample video. We hope to make more in the future.

A couple of the resources mentioned of the video are available below.

Number bonds to 10 race.pdf
subtraction snakes and ladders.pdf


At Mearns Primary School, we have a group of P4,5 and 7 pupils who act as Maths Leaders for the school. These pupils are enthusiastic mathematicians who love to share their passion for Numeracy and Mathematics with others. 

This year they have promoted Sumdog competitions, created certificates and are organising a fun Maths afternoon for the next class to win. They have also been creating quizzes for classes and created their own website with links to games that they enjoy playing to practise Maths skills.

You can find the link to their website below: