
Home to nursery

At Mearns Primary Nursery Class we aim for the journey in to nursery to be positive and supportive. We will take the lead from you, based on your child’s experiences and offer the following elements to our transition

Nursery to school

At Mearns, we strive to ensure that children and families feel secure and supported throughout all stages of transition. We have an induction programme for children moving to primary one and good partnerships with our local primary schools.

·         All children will be offered visits to their Primary 1 school to experience their learning environment and, where possible, will be able to spend time with their teacher.

·         Information sessions will be organised for parents/carers to welcome them into their new school which enables them to fully support their child.

·         Extended transition plans will be put into place to support children who would benefit from more in-depth experiences and nursery staff will discuss this with you.

The link below offers advice on managing transitions as your child moves on in their learning journey