
Our ability to use language lies at the centre of the development and expression of our emotions, our thinking, our learning and our sense of personal identity. Language is itself a key aspect of our culture.

Education Scotland

Our Approach

At Mearns Primary School pupils learning literacy skills through discrete reading, writing and talking and listening lessons and by applying these skills to other areas of the curriculum. Children also learn French, Scots Language and are continually improving their Digital Literacy Skills.


Pupils develop their literacy skills across a range of different contexts. This might be whilst learning about presentation skills during Mearns Masters or working on Talking and Listening Skills when visitors come to their classrooms.

Digital Literacy

Our digital literacy is taught using a wide range of resources such as Giglets (an online reading environment), Chromebooks, iPads, Laptops, Google products and digital publishing resources like Canva.

Playful Pedagogy

We use play to develop literacy, with pupils taking part in a wide variety of engaging tasks. A literacy-rich environment and opportunities for play involving literacy mean that pupils enjoy their learning and can meet their targets.

Outdoor Learning

We love to learn outdoors and pupils regularly take their literacy outside. This can be during forest schools or might involve using our eco garden. We continue to develop out outdoor spaces and look for engaging ways to deliver our literacy curriculum.

Author Visits

We regularly invite author's into the school to share their passion for writing. Pupils have the opportunity to learn about this aspect of the world of work and always leave enthused about their own writing!

Getting Parents Involved

We look for opportunities to get families involved in the learning taking place in school. This means that we can work together to help pupils succeed. Visit our Learning from Home page to find out about other ways you can support your child.