Curriculum and Planning


Mearns Primary Nursery Class follow the guidance of Curriculum for Excellence. Curriculum for Excellence is delivered for 3-18 year olds. Young learners are nurtured as successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens, focussing on the eight curricular areas: language (including French) and literacy; mathematics and numeracy; health and wellbeing; religious and moral education; technologies; sciences; social studies and expressive arts.

Curriculum for Excellence encourages us to bring real life into the playroom and outdoor spaces. Experiences and outcomes have been prepared in every subject area. The needs of each individual child are catered for and our goal is that each child will achieve their true potential.

The Curriculum is planned from 3 – 18, with 5 levels of attainment:

Early Level: the pre-school years and P1, or later for some.

First Level: to the end of P4, but earlier or later for some.

Second Level: to the end of P7, but earlier or later for some.

Third and Fourth Level: S1 to S3, but earlier for some.

For some children who are at an earlier stage of their development, we use the Pre-Birth to Three national guidelines.

Mearns Primary School and Nursery Class are very proud of our bespoke skills based curriculum ‘Mearns Masters’. The children have the opportunity to share their interests and lead the learning across 4 pathways: Designers, Coders, Gastronomers and Campaigners. Children and parents tell us that ‘Mearns Masters’ is a highlight of their nursery experience, developing skills of collaboration, creativity and critical thinking.

 Outdoor Learning

At Mearns we are fortunate to have access to quality outdoor spaces and resources. We understand that playing and learning outdoors is important for young learners to develop confidence, resilience, friendships and sensory stimulation. Our children have access to outdoor experiences all day throughout their session. Some of the outdoor learning takes place in our ‘transport hub’ and also our woodland area. It is essential that children have wellies and a puddle suit to fully engage with the outdoor spaces.


Mearns Primary Nursery Class follow a play-based approach which allows our children to build their confidence and transfer their experiences of their world of home and family to the playrooms. Our staff engage in regular training opportunities to further extend their knowledge of approaches to learning such as embracing Froebelian principles in order that our children are surrounded by the most appropriate experiences and resources.