Learning at home & homework

We utilise the GSuite of tools to provide resources to support learning at home and homework, with each primary class having their own Google Classroom page.

In order to access their Google Classroom your child needs to log in through Glow (link below) using their glow credentials. There are some details listed below. If your child requires a password reset for Glow then please contact the school office. There are also various 'how-to' guides below which may be of use to you.

Our Nursery will be posting information and resources on their blog page which can be found here: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/er/2019mpsnursery/

Trouble Shooting - Accessing Google Classrooms

Through Glow in an Internet Browser:

  1. Google ‘Glow sign in RM’ and open Glow login

  2. Children should log in to glow using their glow username email address and password. (Example: gw14smithbob@glow.sch.uk)

  3. If this doesn’t work, you may need to contact the office to have their password reset before trying again.

  4. Click the house icon at the left-hand side to access school tiles.

  5. Click on Google Classroom tile.

  6. At this point, they will be asked to login again and pupils should use their username@er.glow.scot (Example: gw14smithbob@er.glow.scot).


  1. They should see their Class and be able to click on it to access it.

  2. If they are asked to re-login to Glow, use their full glow username email again and password (Example: gw14smithbob@glow.sch.uk)

Through Google Classroom App:

  1. Open the app.

  2. Children should be asked to login.

  3. Children should login using your username@er.glow.scot (Example: gw14smithbob@er.glow.scot) and will be taken to a Glow sign in page.

  4. They should use their full glow username email and password (Example: gw14smithbob@glow.sch.uk).

  5. If this doesn’t work, you may need to contact the office to have their password reset before trying again.

  6. They should see their Class and be able to click on it to access it.

Trouble Shooting - Accessing Google MEETS ON AN IPAD

If you are having trouble accessing a Meet on Google Classroom, try these instructions:

  1. Open Chrome or Safari.

  2. Use Google to find the Glow login page.

  3. Login using your Glow username and password.

  4. Click and hold the Google Classroom Tile and select, Open in a New Tab or open in Safari.

  5. Select your Classroom.

  6. Click on the small camera icon at the top (it may also say Meet beside it).

  7. Click join when the Meet opens in a separate tab.

google meet - expectations

Some class teachers may organise Google Meets to check-in with pupils. Here is some guidance about what is expected.

Prepare for the session:

  • Be online 5 minutes before the start of the session.

  • Ensure you have jotters/pens/paper or anything else your teacher has asked you to have with you.

Prepare Yourself:

  • Choose an appropriate area in your home to join the session, ideally somewhere quiet.

  • Ensure you are appropriately dressed - your teacher may ask you to turn on your camera.

During the Lesson:

  • Mute your microphone unless instructed otherwise by your teacher.

  • Pupils can blur their background or add a background from the gallery by clicking on the three dots at the top of the screen. Please think carefully about a suitable background.

  • Unmute to contribute to the session but remember to mute again when you are finished speaking.

  • Use the chat facility to ask/answer questions.

  • School rules regarding behaviour still apply in Google Meet sessions.

After the Lesson:

  • Click the red phone to leave the Meet when instructed by the teacher.

  • If for some reason the teacher loses their connection and is no longer in the Meet, leave immediately by clicking the red phone.

Useful Websites