Equatio for Math and Science

What is Equatio?

EquatIO is a Chrome extension that will allow you to create mathematical expressions or equations using dictation or typing from your keyboard or touchscreen. You need to download it from the Chrome Web store.

-The Tech Lady : What is EquatIO?

In short! It is how we can communicate math digitally!

Introduction Video

How to get it:

  • Go to the Chrome Web Store
  • If that link did not take you to Equatio, then search for "equatio" in the upper left hand search field.
  • Click the blue button "Add to chrome"
  • Allow Equatio to operate with the permissions it seeks. This is required for Equatio to work properly.
  • Once the permissions have been granted you should see the blue Equatio symbol on the top right of your menu in Google Chrome. If it is not there, please close and restart Google Chrome.

Lets see a demonstration! With the creator John McGowan!

Other Demonstrations/Tutorials

Set of tutorials created by Text Help (the company that distributes Equatio)

Once you open the link see the playlist of options to the right to choose what you would like to learn about.

Basic Tutorial