Creating Videos

Video Creation can be a great tool for students to express their knowledge in an atypical way. Students will often solidify their learning when they are tasked with presenting it in a video as opposed to regurgitating for a test. Video can give us insight into how students solve math problems, comprehend text, understand the underlying theme in a story or in historical events. Short or long, green-screen and props to just a simple interview; video is a great way to get students involved. It can even help the most quiet students shine! See below for some useful apps from easy to more advanced, to get the movie making happening in your class!

Flipgrid is a website that allows teachers to create "grids" of short discussion-style questions that students respond to through recorded videos. Each grid is effectively a message board where teachers can pose a question and their students can post 90-second video responses that appear in a tiled "grid" display.

Seesaw is a student-driven digital portfolio. Teachers can empower students to create, reflect, share, and collaborate. Students “show what they know” using photos, videos, drawings, text, PDFs, and links. It’s simple to get student work in one place and share with parents, and nothing is shared without teacher approval.

-Teacher Overview

Screencastify/Screencast-o-Matic: These are 2 separate screencasting applications but they are both equally as easy to use! Both are free to download and use with a few restrictions in regards to how many videos you can make a month without paying. These screencasting apps are great for "flipping" your classroom, or for providing instruction to students who are not in the classroom. IT can also be used in lieu of student presentations in class and can be a great scaffold for our shyer students who may not want to present live but may be better fitted to record their presentation. Great for tutorials and teaching both of these apps make it easy to record! You don't even have to be in the video, you can record your screen!

Animation & Drawing by Do Ink is the fun, creative way to make animations on your iPad. The app was designed to be easy for beginners and young animators, but with powerful tools for creating advanced animations. Use the drawing editor to create vector artwork and frame-by-frame (flip book) animations.

Green Screen by Do Ink makes it easy to create incredible green screen videos and photos. Classroom-tested by kids and teachers, this app emphasizes ease-of-use and simplicity while still enabling fantastic results. ... The green screen effect works by combining images from multiple sources into a single video.

This is an Apple application and can only be used on IPads and IPhones.

WeVideo is the online video creation and editing platform that makes it easy for students to capture, create, view and share video content. Used in over 6,500 districts worldwide, WeVideo is a top choice for forward-thinking educators and districts. Educators and students love WeVideo because it’s designed with learning in mind.

Plan Pricing Information (there is a free version to try)