I Ready

I-Ready is an Adaptive Diagnostic for reading and mathematics that pinpoints student needs down to the sub-skill level. K-8 Students can progress through the program at their own pace practicing the skills they need support with. For these students there is also ongoing progress monitoring that shows if students are on track to achieve end-of-year targets. High School Students will benefit from the diagnostic information that can help teachers identify areas of need so that they can better inform their instruction in the classroom based on the data.

General Information/Tools for all Secondary Teachers


Middle School Information-The information below is intended for use at the Middle School Level only. Due to software settings and general ways in which the program is used at the different schools directions for each Secondary Level is slightly different. *High School Information is below.*

IReady Teacher Training -Using Data to Drive Instruction Middle School
I Ready Teacher Training Document Middle School

High School Information-The information below is intended for use at the High School Level only. Due to software settings and general ways in which the program is used at the different schools directions for each Secondary Level is slightly different.

IReady Teacher Training -Using Data to Drive Instruction HIgh School
I Ready Teacher Training Document HIgh School