Goobric-Rubric Grading

Goobric: If you can use a Rubric you can GOOBRIC!

Important Background Information: Prior to Learning Management Systems like Google Classroom being big there were no great ways to make digital copies of assignments to distribute to students. Developers at New Visions Cloud Lab created Doctapus to do just that. The same developers came up with Goobric, a way to attach rubrics to these digital assignments so that teachers could grade online and give student feedback and rubric scores within these digital assignments.

Now, quite a few years later, Goobric and Doctapus have teamed up and created a fluid way to grade online with a rubric. What is great is that they even "play nice" with Google Classroom and now you can actually import your class rosters and assignments using Doctapus.

Doctapus is the add-on you need to start this process. It is an add-on to Google Sheets so to access it you must have a brand new sheet open. Below are some great resources made by others that will help guide you through the process!

Excellent Training Guide and Video Created by:

Oli Trussell, Google Certified Teacher, Google Education Trainer

Copy of Google Classroom, Doctopus and Goobric - The Ultimate Workflow!