The Moldau (Vlatava)

Listening Guide

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Featuring Vilem Tausky conducting the BBC Symphony

Composer: Bedřich Smetana (1824–1884)

Composition: The Moldau (Vlatava)

Date: 1874

Genre: Symphonic poem

Performing Forces: piccolo, two flutes, two oboes , two clarinets, two bassoons, four French horns, two trumpets, three trombones, tuba, timpani, bass drum, triangle, cymbals, harp, strings

What we want you to remember about this composition:

  • The Moldau (Vlatava) is a programmatic symphonic poem portraying the story of the main river in Bohemia as it flows through Smetana's homeland countryside. Each section portrays a different scene, often contrasting, that the river encounters.
  • This piece is a good representation of Czech nationalism and also of a romantic setting of nature.
  • The composer wrote the work following a trip he took down the river as part of a larger cycle of six symphonic poems written between 1874 and 1879 entitled Má Vlast (My Country).
  • Note that each section of the work has its own descriptive title in bold print.


Performing Forces, Melody, Texture, and Form

Two Springs.

(Source of the river) Flutes begin with a flowing/rippling melodic passage soon joined by the clarinets.

The harp and strings (pizzicato) are heard periodically.

Rippling notes moves to lower strings that lead to the main river theme.

The River Theme.

Violins present the river theme in a minor key (e minor).

Melody moves step-wise with running-note accompaniment in strings.


River theme repeated.

Melodic answer to the river theme.

The river theme is expanded (note the triangle with orchestral crescendos).

Return of the river theme.

Answer to river theme.

Expansion/elaboration of river theme.

Return of the river theme.

Forest Hunting Scene.

French horns and trumpets, hunting calls.

Rippling continues (in strings); dies down to gently rocking motion.

Transition to next section (strings).

Repeated notes in strings lead to rustic folk tune, staccato in strings and woodwinds

Peasant Wedding.

Strings present a dance-like tune (polka).

Closes with repeated single note in strings

Moonlight: Dance of Water Nymphs.

Woodwinds, sustained tones.

Flute passage (similar to opening of work).

Rippling figures in flutes; muted string theme [in a high register] with harp, punctuated by French horn; brass crescendo, fanfare.

Muted violins in higher register with a legato melody [brass more prominent]


Violins present the river theme.

Played in the minor mode

River theme reappears in the major mode

St. John's Rapids.

Full orchestra, [fortissimo].

Brass..., timpani roll, piccolo, cymbal crashes.

River theme, Full orchestra, Loudest dynamic/volume.

The River at its Widest Point.

Full orchestra, river theme in major key.

Faster tempo.

The Ancient Castle.

The brasses and woodwinds portray Vyšehrad, the ancient castle in a hymn-like melody.

Slow then Accelerates

River Dies Away, Strings slow down, lose momentum

Final Cadence.

Two forceful closing chords.