
2019-2020 SEASON

Three first places, two new State Qualifiers, and 10 medalists

Taylor and Cooper Crawford 1st in IDA *New State Qualifier*; Emma King 1st DI *New State Qualifier*; Trip Baker 1st Poetry; Breklyn Craig 3rd Prose; Emma Doughty 4th Oration; Emma King and Bailey Camien 4th IDA; Taylor Crawford 4th HI; Breklyn Craig 6th Poetry

Feb. 15

Forensics traveled to Douglas on Monday, where the following students placed:

Kim Yates 1st in Oration (State Qualifier)

Breklyn Craig 1st in Prose (State Qualifier)

Isabelle Haahr 1st in Extemp (State Qualifier)

Trip Baker 2nd in Poetry (State Qualifier)

Annamay Whitmer 3rd in DI

Emma Doughty 3rd in Oration

Cooper and Taylor Crawford 3rd in IDA

Daniel Farthing 7th in Extemp

Feb. 3

Forensics medaled four competitors at the Augusta meet on Saturday. Colton Baker was fourth in Informative Speaking; Leenah Al-Turki was sixth in Informative Speaking; Kim Yates was sixth in Oration; Jerica George was seventh in Foreign Extemp Speaking; Trip Baker was first in Poetry and became EHS' first State Qualifier for this season.

Feb. 1

Welcome to Forensics! Be Ye Kind

What is Forensics exactly? Forensics is a public speaking elective where we do both speeches and acting events. You find or create a piece and compete in tournaments throughout the second semester. Forensics starts the second semester; talk to your counselor for a schedule change to join if you haven't already signed up.

We have a Wednesday workshop every week after school until 5:00, if you want to come in to work on your piece with help from our coach.

The Smash tournament is over. Congratulations to our champion Ben Barker, runner-up Ashton Gingerich, and third place finisher Zachary Walker.

"The best thing about forensics is it gives a voice to people that are usually not heard."

-David Staats, junior

"Forensics, I think, is extremely good because as long as you work, you succeed."

-Ben Barker, junior

Upcoming meetings: Feb. 21, Mar. 27, Apr. 24, and May 15