Ekya JP Nagar

Dear Educator

I am delighted to welcome you to the 2023-24 school year. Hope you had a relaxing summer break and are now looking forward to a new and exciting academic year. 

This year we will be placing a strong emphasis on the physical, social and emotional well being of our students and focus on building a caring and self-managed classroom community. We will strive to make connections with students and make them feel valued, accepted and safe. Together we will encourage active student engagement to foster a lifelong love for learning. 

The Leadership and the office teams have been working through summer, planning and preparing for the new year and we are excited to welcome the new staff members into our team. Would also like you to know that we have many new children and their families who have joined the Ekya community with a lot of hope, aspirations and expectations. We will continue to live upto what we stand for and deliver high quality of education and engagement that we have promised to provide them with.

Each one of you is an indispensible entity in our team and I urge you to work as ‘one together’ in everything we do, keeping the students at the centre of it all. As we embark on another new journey together, we might be faced with numerous challenges that can come our way. Let’s take them on with a smile on our faces and faith in our hearts. 

Wishing you all the very best!

Sreepriya Unnikrishnan

Head of School

Ekya JP Nagar

Leadership team

Ms Latha Chandrasekharan

Preprimary Coordinator


Ms Saroja Vedantam

Primary Academic Coordinator


Ms Anjana Santhosh

Senior School Academic Coordinator


Ms Shanthi Sivaram



Ms Prerita Hangal

Admin Manager


General Instructions

Academic Programs

Co-Curricular Programs