AY 24-25 Special Programs

Welcome to our Special Programs for the Ekya and CMR K12 Community! 

Special Programs are optional programs that are offered by PDI team. The core purpose of these programs is to offer diverse opportunities to learn and grow as individuals.

For the academic year 2024-25, we are excited to offer three engaging programs to support your professional growth and personal well-being throughout the academic year. These programs will be conducted largely through virtual channels, using Slack, Padlet or Google Classrooms. 

What do we offer?

Ekya Wellness & Mindfulness Program

Program 1: Ekya Wellness and Mindfulness Program

Objective: To promote overall well-being and mindfulness among our community through weekly challenges and interactive sessions. 

Key Features:

Weekly Challenges: Simple daily mindfulness activities such as meditation, journaling, and digital detox tips.

Two Virtual Sessions: Virtual sessions and art/journal-based workshops to promote mindfulness. 

Community Support: A dedicated Slack channel for sharing experiences, providing tips and mutual support.

Ekya Reading Program

Program 2: Ekya Reading Program

Objective: To cultivate a love for reading through shared reading experiences and discussions.

Key Features:

Book Selections: Curated book lists focusing on both professional and personal growth.

Two Virtual Sessions: Live discussions on the fourth Saturday of each quarter to discuss the book of the quarter and share insights.

Collaborative Platform: A Padlet board for sharing thoughts, quotes, book suggestions and more throughout the year!

Facilitator Development Program

Program 3: Facilitator Development Program

Objective: To support the professional development of all those interested in training and facilitation. 

Key Features: 

Self-Paced: This program is completely self-paced and is delivered through Google Classroom. 

Certificate: Earn a certificate after completing the program. 

PD Hours: Add to your Professional Development hours. 

How to sign up for the special programs?

Sign-Up: Complete the sign-up form to enroll in any of the programs. You are free to join multiple programs. Fill the form by 1st July 2024. 

Communication: Once enrolled, you will receive an invitation to join our dedicated Slack channels.

Engagement: Participate in weekly challenges, read the selected books, learn on the Google Classroom. Engage with the community on Slack and Padlet.

Program schedule