AY 24-25 Self-Paced Learning

MOOC Menu 

Why do we need Self-Paced Learning?

Educators are always busy! Traditional methods of learning can be inflexible and time-consuming. Self-paced learning offers a powerful alternative, allowing us to:

 ⏳ Learn at our own pace: Easily fit professional development into our busy schedules.

🎯 Target specific needs: Focus on areas we want to improve in.

🔁 Review and revisit: Go back to materials for deeper understanding.

This empowers educators to become self-directed learners, a skill they can then model for their students.

After ample research on it, we the PDI team at Ekya and CMR K-12, suggest MOOCs as one of the proven best practices to build your professional skills.

What is a MOOC?

MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course. These online courses provide a flexible way to learn new skills or delve deeper into existing ones. Offered by universities and platforms like Coursera and edX, MOOCs typically feature video lectures, readings, and assignments, often with opportunities for discussion and feedback. They're a great way for educators to continue their professional development at their own pace.


AY 24-25 MOOC Menu Card

MOOC Completion

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