Teaching at CMR is an enormous privilege. We are at the cutting edge of education and look at how we can meet global standards while keeping our students at the core of what we do.  

At CMR, we look at building connections with children first, then at planning lessons and measuring learning.

Learning is a continuous process of acquiring new knowledge, skills, and values through experience, study, or instruction. It involves the formation of new neural connections in the brain, leading to changes in behavior, attitudes, and understanding. 

Learning at CMR can happen through various methods, including observation, experimentation, repetition, and feedback. For learning to be effective,  active engagement, motivation, and the ability to transfer learning to new situations are essential. 


At the Ekya Learning Centre, we are dedicated to providing a transformative educational experience that prepares learners for a lifetime of growth and success. 

Our learner-centred approach is designed to cultivate a commitment to lifelong learning and equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in a rapidly changing world, thereby striving to create an environment that fosters curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking. 

The curriculum prioritises meaningful and relevant learning experiences that inspire personal and societal impact and is aligned to internationally benchmarked standards. This ensures that our learners are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in an increasingly interconnected and competitive global world. 

We are committed to empowering learners to shape their educational journeys and providing them with the tools they need to positively impact the world around them.


Our Process

Live the Lesson

At Ekya, our curriculum is designed to help students truly understand and apply their learning to real-world situations.

Our in-house curriculum is the result of extensive research and a deep understanding of the best international learning practices. It is standards-based and developed by a stellar team of educators, using innovative, student-centric tools and techniques.

At Ekya, we are committed to providing a transformative learning experience that goes beyond rote memorization and standardized testing.

Instruct to Inspire

Our instructors use effective pedagogical practices and strategies to make learning engaging and insightful for our learners.

The Ekya Instructional model is based on the Understanding by Design framework and is focused on delivering inquiry-driven, immersive lessons, ensuring enriching learning experiences for our students.

Authentic Assessments

Our assessments are continuous, reflective of learning, skill-based and aligned to international standards.

We review and track the progress and mastery of every child through assessments. Ekya assessments are varied, and challenging and allow for transference of learning in a real-world context.