2.04 - Computational Thinking

Part 1 - Terminology and Definitions

Computational Thinking is the most important skill that you can have entering the Engineering field. It is the set of skills and abilities that allow engineers to solve problems ranging from very basic to incredibly complex.

Today your task is to do some research into computational thinking and be ready to illustrate it with some examples.

Please be ready to answer the following questions:

Please use this BBC article on Computational Thinking to answer the following questions:

Use the following video about solving problems with Computational (and Design) Thinking to answer the following questions:

Part 2 - Algorithms

Algorithms are a key part of Computational Thinking. They are the systems that make decisions in computer systems. Listen to the following podcast from 99% Invisible about what algorithms are and how they affect your life. Use this podcast to answer the following questions:

Part 3 - Decomposing Problems

Check out the following video from EngineerGuy about the deconstructed process of manufacturing a pop can. Be ready to snwer the following questions: