1.06 Drawing in Orthographic

Review the following videos. The learning goals for this lesson are that you should be able to:

Assignment - Camera in Orthographic

Your first assignment in orthographic is to draw the following camera in AutoCAD using an orthographic technique.

After you have done the drawing you will need to place it in a title block and export it as a .pdf file.

Title Blocks

The next obvious step is to draw that camera in AutoCAD to practice. To that please review the MyCADSite tutorial on Orthographic projection.

Lesson 1-12 Orthographic Projection

Once you have drawn the camera you are going to present it in a title block. To do this follow these steps:

Following this, you should have a manufacturing drawing. Congratulations. Upload it to your assignment folder as "2.6 Drawing in Orthographic"

Here is the camera in isometric in a title block.

Page last updated October 2021