
Number of Units:

ATAR Category:

Course Fee: $50 per annum 


Drama is a collaborative art form that involves the creative interaction of individuals using a range of artistic skills. Drama is an important means of understanding, constructing, appreciating and communicating social and cultural values through the study of theatre. By studying this major art form students acquire skills in theatrical interpretation, communication, performance and critical analysis. The academic rigour of Drama will develop the talents and capacities of all students – physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, creative and expressive – as well as developing self-confidence and self esteem. 

Course requirements: 

Topic studied:

Year 11

The Year 11 Drama content comprises an interaction between the components of: 

Learning comes from practical experiences in each of these areas. 

Year 12

There are four components to the HSC Drama course: 

Link to course webpage: Drama - See for further information on assessment and course requirements. 


Contact: Ms Rachelle Harte- Head Teacher Creative and Performing Arts/Languages.