Term 4 Week 8
Tuesday 29 November 2022
From the Principal
Welcome to Week 8!
We are excited for our annual Presentation Night tomorrow night (Wednesday 30 November) Our whole-school choir will be performing together for the first time and we will celebrate the students' success this year. We will be holding a rehearsal at Broken Hill High School Hall during the day tomorrow. We are reminding all parents/carers to return the permission note by tomorrow morning so your child is able to attend the rehearsal.
All parents and families are welcome to attend the presentation. We ask that you arrive after 5:30pm and are ready for a 6pm start.
Our P&C will be selling raffle tickets at the door. Tickets will be $2 a ticket or 3 for $5. A Samsung Tablet will be first prize! Tickets will be cash only.
Year 6 are having a busy week and will participate in three orientation sessions at Broken Hill High School, however, they are most excited for their Farewell on Thursday night. A big thank you to Mrs McInerney for organising this event.
As we head into our final weeks of the school year, a reminder of the following days:
Last day for canteen Friday 9 December (Week 9)
Last day of Term 4 Friday 16 December (Week 10)
If your child is leaving before the end of the term, please call the office and class teachers will arrange for student items to be sent home early.
We hope to see you at Presentation tomorrow night
Liz Gleeson
School Notices
Important Dates & Events
See all upcoming events on our website here
Tuesday 29 November
BHHS Orientation Day - Yr 6 students
Wednesday 30 November
Presentation Night 6pm at BHHS Hall
Thursday 1 December
Year 6 Farewell in Wilson Hall 6pm
Friday 2 December
Toy Run 11:35am
Monday 12 December
Reports Home
Tuesday 13 December
Party Day
Friday 16 December
Last day of school for students
Follow us on Facebook for latest updates and information:
Notes sent home
Christmas Raffle
Presentation Night Rehearsal
Assembly Roster
Week 8: 4-5 M Mr Wetherall
Week 9: K-6 G Ms Gorton
Week 10: 5-6 M Mrs McInerney
School Attendance - Week 6
Target attendance rate: 92%
K W: 83%
K-6 G: 83%
1-2 N: 79.48%
1-2 R: 82.89%
3-4 E: 84.72%
4-5 M: 75.71%
5-6 M: 77.19%
School: 80.61%
School Attendance - Week 7
Target attendance rate: 92%
K W: 86.08%
K-6 G: 83.08%
1-2 N: 79.72%
1-2 R: 82.84%
3-4 E: 84.58%
4-5 M: 75.8%
5-6 M: 77.22%
School: 80.64%
Home Reading Nights
75 Nights: Kendall Byrne
100 Nights: Bryce Salaver
175 Nights: Kaidan Chaplain
225 Nights: Deacon King
250 Nights: Sharnii Chaplain
Deacon King
Assembly Award Recipients -
Assembly Awards - Week 6
K W: Tannix Christos
Hugo McCunnie
K-6 G: Blaze Scarce
1-2 N: Emmah Brewer
Naleesha Riley
1-2 R: Torah Christos
Savannah Holmes
3-4 E: Lena O'Riley
Kaidan Chaplain
4-5 M: Mathayus Singleton
Cooper Bongetti
5-6 M: Charlie Dyson
Eva Novello
Library: Zildjian Murphy
Congratulations to these students!
Assembly Awards - Week 7
K W: Memphis Roberts
Kendall Byrne
K-6 G: Nate Holmes
1-2 N: Skylah Williams
Aston Ede
1-2 R: Mackenzii Chaplain
Ryken Bedford
3-4 E: Darcy Pitt
Bella Roberts
4-5 M: Bridie Sutton
Steel Bedford
5-6 M: Angelina Bloomfield
Deacon King
Library: Victoria Bloomfield
Congratulations to these students!
5-6 M had a fantastic spring harvest this week! We can’t wait to see what they make with their fresh ingredients.
P&C Notices
The P&C will be selling raffle tickets at Presentation Night tomorrow for their HUGE Christmas Raffle! There are a total 14 prizes, with TWO major prizes available. Tickets are CASH ONLY on the night - $2 each or 3 for $5. See you there, and good luck!
Thank you for your kind donations.