Term 3 Week 4
Tuesday 9 August 2022
From the Principal
Welcome to Week 4
We had a very successful Education Week last week. The highlights being Choral Festival, Explore our School, BH Athletics Track & Field and ending with a dress as your Future Self Day. Thank you to all of our families who were able to join us for these events. It was great to have you visit in person again. Have you seen us in the BDT?
A special congratulations goes to our students who participated in the extracurricular activities of choir and athletics. We recognise their commitment and enthusiasm to try something different.
This week we celebrate and recognise NAIDOC Week. All students will be participating in various activities throughout the week and finishing with a special assembly on Friday. We welcome visitors and families to join us. Information was sent out with students last week, however, updates will be on our Facebook page. Thank you to Mrs McInerney, Miss Niass and Ms Minnis for organising this event.
We held a special meeting with our Stage 3 families and together we decided to cancel the Stage 3 excursion to Canberra due to Covid-19 risks and guidelines. We are now trying to make alternative arrangements for an excursion for our Stage 3 students as many will leave for High School next year. We will make a decision about the Stage 2 excursion by this coming week. We thank all of our parents for their patience and understanding.
Liz Gleeson
Relieving Principal
School Notices
Important Dates & Events
See all upcoming events on our website here
Thursday 25 August
P&C Pie Drive orders delivered
Monday 29 August
Book Week
Tuesday 30 August
5 & 6 Book Week live stream 10am
Wednesday 31 August
K-2 Book Week live stream 12pm
Thursday 1 September
3 & 4 Book Week live stream 10am
Friday 2 September
Book Week Parade
Barrier Athletics
Monday 5 September
Broken Hill Eisteddfod
Wednesday 14 September
Healthy Harold
Thursday 15 September
Healthy Harold
Friday 16 September
Healthy Harold
Thursday 22 September
Wellbeing Day
Follow us on Facebook for latest updates and information:
Notes sent home
Book Week
School Attendance - Week 2
Target attendance rate 92%
K W: 90.8%
K-6 G: 73.3%
1-2 N: 81.2%
1-2 R: 78.8%
3-4 E: 74%
4-5 M: 68.6%
5-6 M: 61.6%
School: 73.9%
Unfortunately none of our classes met our green class target for attendance this week. A reminder to call or message about your child's absence.
School Attendance - Week 3
Target attendance rate 92%
K W: 87.7%
K-6 G: 63.3%
1-2 N: 78.8%
1-2 R: 83.5%
3-4 E: 83%
4-5 M: 67.6%
5-6 M: 80.8%
School: 78.8%
Unfortunately none of our classes met our green class target for attendance this week. A reminder to call or message about your child's absence.
Home Reading Nights
25 Nights: Kendall Byrne
Hugo McCunnie
Bryce Salaver
50 Nights: Ayrton Smith
75 Nights: Scarlett Betcke
100 Nights: Alexis Slater
Kaidan Chaplain
Sharnii Chaplain
125 Nights: Mackenzii Chaplain
150 Nights: Summer Barron
Mila Barron
Assembly Roster
Week 4: 5-6 M - Mrs McInerney
Week 5: 4-5 M - Mrs Medcalf
Week 6: K W - Miss Williams
Week 7: Mr Chapman - Book Week
Week 8: K-6 G - Miss Gorton
Week 9: 1-2 N - Miss Niass
Weeks 10: No assembly
Assembly Awards - Week 2
K W: Memphis Roberts
Niveah-Lee Riley
K-6 G: Abbie Kenedy
1-2 N: Mervyn Webster
Violet Williams
1-2 R: Willow Hughes
Victoria Bloomfield
3-4 E: Bella Roberts
Tyreece Dutton
4-5 M: Sharnii Chaplain
Shyla Marks
5-6 M: Eamon Clavel
Angelina Bloomfield
Library: Sam Smith
Congratulations to these students!
Assembly Awards - Week 3
K W: Kendall Byrne
Tannix Christos
K-6 G: Blaze Scarce
1-2 N: Zildjian Murphy
Mila Hoffman
1-2 R: Summer Morris
Zarli Kennedy
3-4 E: Gabriella Bloomfield
Chase Kemp
4-5 M: Steele Bedford
Natasha Morrison-McManus
5-6 M: Kyreece McEvoy
Athena Singleton
Congratulations to these students!
Assembly Award Recipients - Friday 29 July 2022
Assembly Award Recipients - Friday 5 August 2022
Tree Planting - Friday 29 July 2022
Landcare Broken Hill provided 40 plants to Railway Town as part of National tree day.
Landcare member Abbie Kelly joined students at our school for a morning of planting.
Hats off to all involved.
Photos by: Sophie Angell
Choral Festival - Wednesday 3 August 2022
The Primary and Infants Choirs did an amazing job representing our school at Choral Festival last Wednesday.
Exploring our School - Thursday 4 August 2022
What a great afternoon spent at Explore our School! We were so glad to have our families back in our school.
Education Week - Creating Futures - 5 August 2022
Students were encouraged to dress up as their "future self" for education week.
Welcome Noah & Jakob, our Occupational Therapy students. We look forward to spending Term 3 with you!
Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) are still available to all families for COVID-safe testing.
Students cannot attend school if they are showing any symptoms of COVID-19.
Any student who develops even the mildest of symptoms should get tested for COVID-19. Students who are close contacts need to test daily for 5 days and receive a negative result before attending school.
Please consult https://education.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/advice-for-families for more information.
P&C Notices
P & C Pie Fundraiser
All order forms must be returned to class teachers or front office by Thursday 18 August. Cash only in envelopes attached to the order form. Correct money, NO CHANGE will be given & no late orders accepted. Orders to be collected from Railway Town Wilson Hall on Thursday 25 August. Time to be confirmed on Facebook or Class Dojo closer to the date.
Members Needed
A little about our P&C we consist of parents, grandparents and community members who have had children attend our school in the past. We also have the longest serving member who is 87 years young. And has stood on our P&C for 63 years. We meet once a month in the staff room to hold our meetings.
The P&C runs the canteen and holds fundraisers to help provide to our children and school such as educational materials, playground equipment, shade shelters. We hold the mothers/Father’s Day stalls. We are also trying to come up some fun ideas for the children to take part in. We r hoping to hold a colour run later in the year. We also help ease the costs of excursions and the year 6 farewell.
Everything our P&C does benefits our students.
At the end of this year we will be losing some members so we will b needing new members to take over these positions or unfortunately we will no longer b able to provide these things to our children. If your a grandparent/ parent or carer u are all welcome to come along to meetings. U don’t need to hold a position but to lend a hand when these special events take place. All hands make light work and we would like to b able to continue to provide for our little school. Meetings will b advertised in the school newsletter or on Facebook so please please feel free to come along.