Kaitlyn Findlay

Artwork Title

Untitled (what you see)

Expressive Form


Artist statement

As an artist I feel that art is all about using symbolism to communicate deep thought on society and its current or historical point of view. My body of work is a series of paintings with a focus on glasses. From a frame perspective my work is viewed as a structural artwork as it is focused on the use of line, colour, tone, texture and basic symbolism. The conceptual aspect of my practice explores the stereotypical view of glasses and in our contemporary world how people categorize what glasses are used for. The canvas consists of different types of glasses on a themed canvas for what they are stereotypically used for.

My main influence from a material perspective is Roy Lichtenstein and other comic book artists. In my practice I have built up the surface to give it texture using a modeling compound and added blocks of colour with bold black outlines to maintain the comic book style.