Jeremy Taw

Artwork Title

“REMAKE 2.0”

Expressive Form


Artist statement

This artwork is a postmodern work that challenges traditional ideas about material and conceptual practices by layering painted sections together to create an image. Text is also used to question our world. The text extract and image styling is an appropriation of popular culture images and pop art history. The text extract itself comments on the contemporary issue of Covid-19 as well as the use of masks and objects to cover the face.

My main influences for this artwork include pop artists Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, and Rene Magritte. The movement conceptually presents a challenge of traditions of fine art by including imagery from popular and mass culture, such as advertising, comic books and mundane mass-produced cultural objects which are seen through these influences. My work references the style of pop with the use of vibrant colour and shape and black outlines.