Ours to Share, 2022 Connections Showcase

Whitebridge High School

Whitebridge High School is situated in Whitebridge in Lake Macquarie on traditional Awabakal land.

Stop Motion and Mark Making with Colour

The students from Whitebridge High School used digital media to tell a story and explore a theme and idea with their Stop Motion artworks. 

They also enjoyed sharing the experience of exploring mark making and harmonious and contrasting colours in their Mark Making with Colour artworks. 

Watch the following video to see the remarkable artworks of students from Whitebridge High School

To listen to the audio described version of this video, select the AD button below the video player bar. Once selected, you can then control the volume. The video may pause in places to allow time for the visual content in the video to be described adequately.

What do the students and teachers have to say?

Participating students

Congratulations to the following students from Years 7 to 10 of Whitebridge High School for their wonderful submissions: 

Kaleb, Caitlyn, Jacob, Jaxon, Bailey, Mariah and Bella.

Explore more of our Connections Showcase submissions

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