The ND Pathway for Children and Young People

What is it?

In East Lothian, we are piloting a Test of Change where there is a new process for identifying Neurodevelopmental Conditions such as; Autism, ADHD, Learning/ Intellectual Disability, Developmental Coordination Disorder, FASD, Tic Disorder and Developmental Language Disorder.  All referrals for these Neurodevelopmental Conditions now need to come through the Single Point of Access.

A Neurodevelopmental Pathway is the name for the series of steps that are followed when a child or young person is being assessed for a neurodevelopmental condition. The aim of this pathway is to assess and identify the most appropriate support a child and family need. 

In East Lothian, our Neurodevelopmental Pathway is a holistic assessment of a child/young person's needs which aids diagnosis of overlap of neurodevelopmental conditions.  Our approach reduces the need for a family to explain their story repeatedly and the child/young person are only on one waiting list as we have a joined up approach - multi-disciplinary and multi-diagnostic.

Understanding my brain and how it is developing v0.2 (002) - Final Approved.docx

Understanding My Brain

Neurodevelopmental Assessment Pathway PIL v0.2 - Final Approved.docx

Information Leaflet for Parents and Carers

If the child/young person attends school or an Early Learning and Childcare setting, staff can refer to the East Lothian Single Point of Access (SPA). If the child is pre-school and not in an Early Learning and Childcare setting, then a Health Visitor can make a referral. This is the pathway to decide if more assessment is required. The SPA can also identify potential supports to help families and the child. You do not need to wait for a diagnosis to get further support through an Education setting or the SPA.