What is wellbeing?
"Wellbeing for children and young people is a state of being healthy: mentally, physically, having your needs met, being loved, valued and included in the families and societies into which they are born."
Watch the video of Sir Harry Burns - former chief Medical Officer for Scotland talking about 'wellness' (16 mins.)
Education Scotland
Positive Mental Wellbeing Resources
This page is designed to provide a comprehensive package of information, resources and organisations which are freely available to support primary and secondary school staff to support mental wellbeing.
It is hoped that it will be a useful and practical resource for practitioners working with children and young people, ensuring the focus on their wellbeing is equal to that of other curricular areas. The majority of these resources are universal supports.
GTCS Wellbeing Resources for Teachers
GTCS have developed a wellbeing hub with a suite of resources to support practitioners.
Adverse Childhood Experiences
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are traditionally understood as a set of 10 traumatic events or circumstances occurring before the age of 18 that have been shown through research to increase the risk of adult mental health problems and debilitating diseases. Five ACE categories are forms of child abuse and neglect, which are known to harm children and are punishable by law, and five represent forms of family dysfunction that increase children’s exposure to trauma.
Children in Scotland Resources
This resource helps education professionals to support children and young people's understanding of their wellbeing.