Neurodevelopmental information and supports available in East Lothian.

Your child’s development is unique and may vary in comparison to other children. You may notice neurodevelopmental (ND) differences in your child that are observed at home and/or in nursery/school. These differences can be in the areas of communication, memory, relationships, balance and coordination, emotional well-being, play, learning, flexibility, attention or senses. Schools and organistions make adjustments with the aim of ensuring neurodiversity is celebrated and understood so that all children can feel included and progress.   It is important to discuss concerns and share information with school professionals or other services that may be involved with your child. Sometimes, a request for a Neurodevelopmental (ND) assessment may be submitted after your discussion with professionals or you may decide to monitor your child’s development over time. 

This guide provides you, as the parent/carer, with information about how to access resources and supports for a child presenting with neurodevelopmental differences and their family. This guide is divided into different stages (Before, During and After) in relation to the ND referral, assessment and receiving an assessment outcome such as a diagnosis. It shows what is available to all children and families regardless of any diagnosis.

Beforerefers to you as a parent noticing ND differences in your child or a family member, friend or professional mentioning these differences to you. You may decide to discuss this with a school professional and in some instances a GP, and then as a result may ask for a ND assessment through your child’s school.

Duringrefers to when education or health professionals may submit a ND request for assessment into the Single Point of Access. If it is agreed that the request is appropriate, you will receive communication about gathering information and an appointment. During this period of waiting for an appointment and for other assessment appointments, you can access this guide to identify appropriate resources and supports. 

After once the assessment process has been completed, you will be asked to attend a feedback meeting to discuss the outcomes of the assessment and if any diagnoses can be made. In a feedback meeting, a clinician will give you helpful information. This guide indicates that some resources are available only when a child has been diagnosed.

Information and supports for families of children who have neurodevelopmental differences in East Lothian.

Information and supports for parents of children who have neurodevelopmental differences - East Lothian V1.0.pdf

The following guide provides links to local supports whether you have a diagnosis or not.

We understand that this can be an anxious time for children and their families.  NHS Lothian has two online Wellbeing Hubs, for children under 11 and for older children aged 11+.  There is information, short videos, and links to other specialist organisations and charities, with topics including feelings, moods and emotions, mental health, sleep, staying safe online, friendships, body image and much more.


Visit the Wellbeing Hub for children

Visit the Wellbeing Hub for young people


CAMHS Resources is a site designed for young people and families, bringing together mental health and wellbeing resources into one place, including downloads, recommended apps, books and videos. Find out more here