Child Protection 

We must always respond to children protection concerns to ensure that all children and young people receive the right help at the right time.

Child Protection Procedures Edinburgh and the Lothians (2023)

East Lothian Council staff should, at all times, comply with the Inter-agency Child Protection Procedures Edinburgh and the Lothian’s (2023) 

 Edinburgh and the Lothians Multi-Agency Child Protection Procedures | East Lothian Council 

Key Points:

If they are not available or you are not a member of school staff you should contact:


East Lothian Note of child protection concern August22.doc

Child Protection Concern Form 

If school staff have concerns about a child or young person's safety or are concerned that they are being harmed or at risk of harm, they must report this to a Designated Member of Staff who will follow the Edinburgh and the Lothians Inter-agency Child Protection procedures (2015). 

Child protection referrals should never be delayed. 

Information should be gathered and recorded on the Child Protection Concern form. 

Prevent National Referral Form V3.docx

Prevent - Counter Terrorism and Security

If you consider there is a need to progress a referral to the National Unit please contact our Prevent Single Point of Contact (SPOC) Lindsey Byrne  - 01620 827633 / 07850975219  for discussion beforehand. 

If the SPOC is not available, you can make contact directly with the Prevent Delivery Unit who will provide advice and guidance: - 0131 311 3230 / 3452 / 3695

Child & Public Protection Committee 

Child Protection in East Lothian is co-ordinated by the East and Midlothian Public Protection Committee.  This committee has representatives from Police Scotland, health, social work, education, community services, housing, care providers, legal services, voluntary sector, and elected council members.

Further Information