National Induction Resource 

The early learning and childcare (ELC) national induction resource has been developed to support individuals in their induction to delivering ELC – whether that is funded ELC or ELC that families purchase themselves - setting out how individuals can expect employers to support them in their new role. 


This induction resource developed by the Scottish Government, provides new ELC employees with all the relevant information they need on what to expect in their first few months in post, including the most up-to-date resources and best practice.

"We know that the most important driver of quality in EL&C is a dedicated, highly skilled and well-qualified workforce, whose initial training and continued professional learning enables them to fulfil their own potential and equip our young children to do the same. "

Early Learning and Childcare - National Induction Resource: Scottish Government 2019

It has been developed specifically to support staff working in EL&C settings rather than in childminding services. It sets out how you can expect your employer to support you in your new role and includes links to the range of national resources which are available to support you. It has been developed collaboratively with the range of national organisations supporting the profession.

The Induction Resource comprises two section

Section One:

Section Two:

The Purpose Of The Induction Period

You have been recruited as an early years practitioner because you:

The purpose of induction is for your employer to build on these attributes and to develop your understanding of the following:

Section One

This section details:

Section Two

This section supports you to reflect on the important role you play in a child’s life.

It is designed to reinforce your individual responsibility and accountability:

·   to help you be the best childcare worker possible

·   to help you to understand how reflecting on your practice can help improve outcomes for children

·   and how your workplace can support you

Reflective Practice

Throughout your career you will be encouraged to reflect on your practice. This means learning from your everyday experiences and using this to develop your work with children. The extensive list of reflective questions in this section of the resource should be viewed as a first step in your self-evaluation and personal development process which will continue throughout your career. They are designed to encourage you to reflect on the extent to which you are demonstrating the skills, knowledge and understanding to work with children, young people and families in Scotland.

The National Induction Resource encourages you to work through the reflective questions with your workplace mentor who can give you advice and support which will help develop your skills and knowledge.

Work Place Mentor

Your work place mentor is the person your employer has to assign to you as someone to whom you can turn to for advice and support within your EL&C setting. This could be your manager or another experienced colleague working alongside you. It is the expectation that all practitioners new to EL&C will have a work place mentor

The questions in this section are written to promote discussion about your role in providing quality care and learning for children. Your mentor should work with you and support you in the workplace by providing learning opportunities, guidance and role modelling.

This section provides an example of an induction planning and tracking checklist that could be used and adapted as a reminder of some of the practical things that you will need to know and find out about during your induction period. It can be most useful to work through methodically ensuring you have all the fundamentals in place to enable you to be a confident practitioner. 

Discussion Questions for Self-Evaluation and Development

Q. What are your recollections of your own induction?

Q. How can this resource help you  support new members of  your Nursery Team?