LGBTQ+ Information

UNCRC Article 2 states all children have the rights set out in the UNCRC, and individual children and young people shouldn’t be discriminated against when these rights are realised. This covers both direct and indirect discrimination.

 It is important that educators and parents protect all children regardless of their ethnicity, gender, religion, ability, status, or background.  This includes LGBTQ+ children.




Discussion Questions for Self-Evaluation and Development

How do we let all families know they are welcome in our setting? all children?

Do we have an Inclusion policy that reflects being supportive of LGBTQ+ families and children?

How is our understanding and acceptance of LGBTQ+ peoples shown in our spaces, interactions and experiences?

Do we use correct pronouns for children and families? How do we ensure we are doing this?

Would our staff benefit from training in being more inclusive regarding LGBTQ+ children and families?