
How to record the death of a child or young person in SEEMIS

  1. Using SEEMIS Click & Go navigate to the Mark Leavers screen which is located in Application> Admission & Leavers > Leavers > Mark Leavers.

  1. After selecting the pupil in the usual way, click on Destination Type –‘ Other Destination’.

  1. Select the ‘Pupil has died’ option from the Reason for Leaving drop down list.

  1. Enter the Leaving date as the date the pupil died.

Letter Templates

These are a range of sample letters that can be used when a bereavement occurs within a school community. It can be difficult to find the right words at such an emotional time. These can be adapted and personalised to suit your situation. Before sending letters out, ensure you have the permission of the family and they are happy with the content of the letter.

Click on one of the headings below to access the letter template;

Local Services

East Lothian Educational Psychology Service

Our offer:

  • To provide advice and guidance at a strategic multidisciplinary level

  • To provide staff training around Bereavement, Loss & Grief

  • To support staff with development work in this area

  • To provide support and guidance to individuals schools, as required

  • To provide consultation and casework, as required, through the Request for Assistance process

Contact Details

Address: John Muir House, Haddington, East Lothian, EH41 3HA

Telephone: 01620 827648


(The above link includes information on the team and direct email addresses.)


Richmond’s Hope

Is a charity that provides; a safe space for children to work through their grief, both verbally and non-verbally, to preserve memories of the person who has died, to explore their feelings, to develop coping strategies and to understand the impact the bereavement has had on their lives.

Their offer:

  • To provide a service to children and young people from 4-18 years.

  • To provide a limited number of funded places available to children and young people in East Lothian.

  • Therapeutic interventions to support bereaved children and young people with a focus on therapeutic play and art activities to enhance engagement (can adapt sessions to the needs of our children and young people). The work is predominantly individual, on occasion family sessions will be offered.

  • Bi-monthly teens group for service users who have completed individual support.

  • Provide family day, once per year.

  • Phone, mail, or in-person advice to bereaved families or support staff dealing with bereaved young people.

Referral system:

They operate an open referral system. Before they accept a referral the child/young person, and their parent/carer must agree to the referral. The child/young person must have factual and age appropriate information about the death. When the referral comes from a third party Richmond’s Hope will confirm consent with the parent/carer. Referrals typically come from parents, school, social work or GPs. A young person 16 years or older can self-refer, however, given the nature of support we would advise that a parent/carer is included as part of the process.

Contact Details

Address: 227-229 Niddrie Mains Road, Edinburgh, EH16 4PA

Phone: 0131 661 6818




St Columba's Hospice Care

Their offer:

  • The Children and Families Support service offers specialist support or children and young people (aged 0-16) who are dealing with the incurable illness of a relative. It provides age appropriate information and support pre- and post-bereavement, as appropriate to the individual circumstances of the child or young person and their family members. The service is open to all children aged 0-16 across Edinburgh and the Lothians.

  • In addition, young people aged 16-18 can be offered choice about whether to engage in our children and young people's service or our adult service, depending on personal preference and individual circumstances.

  • Individual and group bereavement support is also available for this age group when a significant person has died from an incurable illness. There is no time limit on when someone can access support and the person who is dying/died does not need to have been known to the hospice.

Support can also include:

  • Helping parents/carers to explain the illness to children using age appropriate resources.

  • Keepsake work which can include letters, little box thoughts, BignSmall, Keepsake boxes, Record Me Now, Photo Books about the story of the person's life.

  • Support for the family around children/young person's emotional needs.

Please note that support will be offered both in-person (across Edinburgh and the Lothians) and remotely (via telephone and NHS Near Me videoconferencing platform)

  • Support in East Lothian will be in our base in Haddington House for face to face

How to make a referral to the Family Support Service:

The Family Support Team at St. Columba's Hospice Care currently has space to accept new referrals for our Children and Families service.

Please ensure that the patient/family are aware that a referral is being made and that they have agreed to this. To make a referral, call the Family Support Team on our direct dial number, 0131 551 7760. Please leave a message with the following information if no one is available to answer your call:

  • your name, role and contact number.

  • Information about the reason for the referral – children’s names, ages, contact information for the family, and some background information about the illness/bereavement.

further information on the Family Support Service and how to make a referral to this service please click here.

You will need permission from the parent/caregiver and the young person to make the referral. We will need full contact details. Name, Date of Birth, Address, Telephone contact etc. and the reason for referral. Once received our child and families team will contact the family to arrange an initial appointment and if appropriate support will be offered usually within 2-4 weeks of referral.

Contact Details

Donna Hastings - Child and Families Lead

0131 551 1381 or 0131 551 7760


At a Loss - Helping Bereaved People Find Support

Children’s Hospices Across Scotland CHAS


Childhood Bereavement Network


Child Bereavement UK


Cruse Bereavement Care


Grief Encounter – Helping Children Through Bereavement


The Irish Childhood Bereavement Network


Richmond’s Hope


Seasons for Growth


See Saw- Grief Support for children & young people in Oxfordshire


St Columba's Hospice Care


Together for Short Lives


Winston’s Wish – giving hope to grieving children


Books to support bereaved children

Always and Forever

Alan Durant and Debi Gliori

ISBN-13: 978-0552548779

When Fox dies the rest of his 'family' are absolutely distraught. How will they go on without their beloved friend? But, months later, Squirrel reminds them all of how funny Fox used to be, and they realise that Fox is still there in their hearts and memories.


Badger’s Parting Gifts

Susan Varley

ISBN-13: 978-1849395144

Badger is so old and knows he must soon die. He does his best to prepare his friends but when he finally dies they are grief-stricken. One by one they remember the special things he taught them during his life. By sharing their memories, they realise that although Badger is no longer with them physically, he lives on through his friends.


Michael Rosen’s Sad Book

Michael Rosen and Quentin Blake

ISBN-13: 978-1406317848

Michael Rosen’s son died at 19mths. This book outlines Michael’s expressions of grief. It makes complicated feelings accessible. Quentin Blake’s drawings are a perfect pairing for this emotional, honest and helpful account.


The Invisible String

Patrice Karst

ISBN-13: 978-031648623

The invisible string looks at how to cope with loneliness and separation from someone you love. Please note: this book is free to purchase from this site.


The Memory Tree

Britta Teckentrup

ISBN-13: 978-1408326343

A book that celebrates the memory of someone who has died. When fox dies in the woods his friends gather round to tell stories about his life.


When Dinosaurs Die: A Guide to Understanding Death (Dino Life Guides for Familes)

By Laurie Krasny Brown and Marc Brown

ISBN-13: 978-0316119559

This factual picture book uses cartoon dinosaurs to illustrate the text and comment on what is said. It covers issues such as why a person might die, feelings about death and saying goodbye to someone.

Death of a parent or carer

Missing Mummy

Rebecca Cobb

ISBN-13: 978-0230749511

A book for young children that deals with the loss of a parent from a child’s point of view. It explores the many emotions a bereaved child may experience.


Is Daddy Coming Back in a Minute?

Elke and Alex Barber

ISBN-13: 978-1785921063

A book for young children that explains death honestly, in clear, simple language. The book discusses feelings of sadness and re-enforces the message that it is ok to be happy sometimes too.


The Heart and the Bottle

Oliver Jeffers

ISBN-13: 978-0007182343

A book for 5-8 year olds where a little girl’s grand father dies. The book explores love and loss in a life affirming and uplifting story.

Death of a sibling

Where’s Our Baby?

Valerie Oldfield

ISBN-13: 978-1499048025

A little boy is trying to make sense of the confusion surrounding the death of his baby sister. He must ask questions of the adults and find a way to interpret the things they do and say in order to find his own sense of peace.


Grieving for the Sibling You lost: A Teen’s Guide to Coping with Grief and Finding Meaning After loss

Erica Goldblatt Hyatt

This is a book written by a bereavement counsellor with the voices of teenagers whose siblings have died. It helps them understand their grief and acquire strategies for managing difficult emotions and thoughts.


The Coat I Wear

Mel Maxwell

ISBN-13: 978-0993117909

A story which follows the grief of a child after their sibling dies. They describe their grief like wearing a heavy, uncomfortable coat, which over time becomes easier to wear.


Always My Twin

Valerie R. Samuels

A story for young children who have experienced the death of their twin sibling. This book is for children whose twin died before birth, after birth, or as a young child. Please note: this book is free to purchase from this site.


The Story of My Baby Brother

Kate Polley

This book enables the reader to open up a discussion with a child and allowing them to talk about their feelings over the loss of their baby brother. It's a story of hope which will remind you that we can experience the love and joy of a loved one, even when they are no longer here with us on earth. Please note: this book is free to purchase from this site.


The Story of My Baby Sister

Kate Polley

This book enables the reader to open up a discussion with a child and allowing them to talk about their feelings over the loss of their baby sister. It's a story of hope which will remind you that we can experience the love and joy of a loved one, even when they are no longer here with us on earth. Please note: this book is free to purchase from this site.


The Story of My Twin

Kate Polley

This book is adapted from Kate Polley's bestselling book 'Sam and Finn' which is the story of her twin sons, one of whom died unexpectedly 12 hours after birth. This version has been created for anybody who has experienced the loss of a twin, sibling or child. It has been designed as both a keepsake memory book and an educational tool for bereaved families. Please note: this book is free to purchase from this site.

Activity and Workbooks for children

Muddles, Puddles and Sunshine

Diana Crossley

ISBN-13: 978-1869890582

This activity book offers practical and sensitive support for bereaved younger children. It aims to help children make sense of their experience by reflecting on the different aspects of grief.


Remembering …

Dianne Leutner

A memory/keepsake book for bereaved children. It is part book, part scrapbook designed to keep children’s memories alive.


When Someone Very Special Dies: Children Can Learn to cope with Grief (Drawing Out Feelings)

Marge Heegaard

ISBN-13: 978-0962050206

A practical format for children to understand the concept of death and develop coping skills. The book is designed for children to create illustrations.


Ollie the Octopus Loss and Bereavement Activity Book

Dr. Karen Treisman


A therapeutic story with activities for children aged 5-10. The first part of the book is a colourful illustrated therapeutic story about Ollie the Octopus, with a focus on Ollie making sense of and processing the loss of his mum. This is followed by creative activities and colourful photocopiable worksheets for children and the people supporting them to explore aspects of loss, death and bereavement, and find ways to understand and cope with these big ideas.

Books for Professionals

Good Grief – Exploring Feelings, Loss and Death with Under Elevens

Barbara Ward & Associates

ISBN-13: 978-1853023248

Good Grief – Exploring Feelings, Loss and Death with Over Elevens and Adults

Barbara Ward & Associates

ISBN-13: 978-1853023408

A very comprehensive guide to understanding loss and its impact. The books contain ideas for classroom activities that can used with children of different abilities and cultural backgrounds. The new edition contains a chapter on the effects of disasters on children.


Supporting Children through Grief and Loss: Practical Ideas and Creative Activities for Schools and Carers

Anna Jacobs

ISBN-13: 978-1906531539

Advice and helpful suggestions for those helping children through bereavement and loss at home and school. It provides a toolkit of creative arts, story activities and exercises to help children and young people understand their emotions, physical feelings and memories.


Supporting Teenagers Through Grief and Loss

Anna Jacobs

ISBN-13: 978-1906531591

Teenagers perceive and experience loss differently from younger children and need support and understanding at home and in school. This resource: Explores how adolescents understand & respond to loss; Explains the needs of young people facing loss at different stages of grief; Provides guidance on monitoring if extra support is needed; Contains a toolkit of creative age-appropriate resources exploring feelings, behaviours, thoughts & memories;

Books that explore the issues facing children with life shortening conditions

Ways to Live Forever

Sally Nicholls

ISBN-13: 978-1407159331

A novel about 11 year old Sam. He has leukaemia and wants to know the facts about dying. He needs answers to his questions and no-one will answer. This book is funny, honest, powerful and uplifting.


Gentle Willow: A Story for Children About Dying

Joyce C. Mills & Cary Pillo

Written for children who may not survive their illness or for the children who know them. This tale helps address feelings of disbelief, anger, and sadness, along with love and compassion. Amanda and Little Tree discover that their friend Gentle Willow isn't feeling very well.


Helping a child understand grief

Helping a child consider and understand what grief is and how you might experience it.

Some tips to support a child who is returning to school following a bereavement.

Supporting a bereaved child with autism spectrum disorder

Suggestions and advice to support a child with autism spectrum disorder

How to talk to children about death

Talking to a young child about death and the loss of a parent


Explaining to a child that someone has died


Explaining what a funeral, burial and cremation is to a young child


Talking to children about death and bereavement – with experiences and suggestions from children and young people

Telling a child that a family member is not expected to live

Suggestions and advice on how to communicate that a parent is not expected to live

Support for telling a child that their sibling is not expected to live