Life SHORTENing conditions

Children with life shortening conditions

Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS) were supported by the Scottish Government to carry out ground-breaking research that established the number of children in Scotland with life-shortening conditions.

The main findings from the CHAS report outline;

  • Three children die each week, nearly 40% die before they reach their first birthday.

  • There is a strong relationship between poverty and life-shortening conditions.

  • Children from South Asian and black families are more likely to have a life shortening condition than those from white backgrounds.

Types of support

When children and their families receive news of life-shortening conditions this can be overwhelming and brings many challenges and worries.

The Together for Short Lives organisation ( offers different types of support, some of which are listed below:

Bereavement Support

Phone support; 0808 8088 100

Email support;

Live chat support; on their website (

A Family Companion

The core pathway for children and young people living with life threatening conditions. The document includes information on support available and the process which may take place.

You can download this here:

Caring for your child at the end of life

A guide for parents and carers, to help provide information for end of life care.

You can access this here;

Information sheets


  • End of Life Planning

  • Parent Support Groups

  • Children’s Hospice Services

  • Emotional Support & Counselling

  • Care Planning in Advance

  • Spiritual, Religious and Cultural Wishes

  • Understanding Siblings’ Needs

  • Talking with your child about their Life-limiting Condition

  • When a Child dies – questions parents ask

All information can be found on the Together for Short Lives website;


Children's Hospices Across Scotland

The Together for Short Lives organisation