

According to mindful.org (https://www.mindful.org/meditation/mindfulness-getting-started/);

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.

While mindfulness is something we all naturally possess, it’s more readily available to us when we practice on a daily basis.

Whenever you bring awareness to what you’re directly experiencing via your senses, or to your state of mind via your thoughts and emotions, you’re being mindful. And there’s growing research showing that when you train your brain to be mindful, you’re actually remodeling the physical structure of your brain.

How can you practice more mindfulness today?

The website himoment (https://www.himoment.com/blog/6-fun-mindfulness-exercises-for-adults/ ) have shared mindful activities you can do today.  They are;

The 5 Senses Mindfulness Exercise

If you feel stressed or particularly tense, this is one of the most fun mindfulness exercises for adults. It will help you become more grounded when you’re having a tough day.  Finding focus can be extremely difficult, especially when new thoughts keep popping up in your head.  The 5 senses mindfulness exercise will help you return to the present moment and become more mindful.

Before you begin this exercise, put yourself in a comfortable position and start by noticing your breathing.

Do this for a few minutes and try to relax.

The next step is bringing awareness to your senses.

Number one step is hearing.

Start by noticing the sounds around you. Try to find 5 sources of the sounds you hear. You may hear your breathing, a noise from another room,  a TV, or from the things happening outside. Just notice what they’re like and don’t try to judge any sound in particular.

Don’t move onto the next step before you identify 5 different sounds.

Number two is smelling.

Close your eyes and try to notice the smells around you.

If you’re outside, you might smell flowers. If you’re indoors, maybe you’ll smell coffee or tea, or perhaps the smell of a magazine or a book. Try to notice at least 3 smells, before moving on to the next step.

Number three is seeing.

Focus on 5 objects in your close environment. Notice the color and the pattern of each object. One really amazing mindfulness exercise is called “window observing”. We have mentioned this in one of our previous posts that you can check out here.

You can sit by your window and observe what’s going on outside. You’ll be surprised how many things are happening without us even realizing it.

Number four is tasting.

If you’re eating or drinking something, try to notice an aftertaste of it in your mouth.

And the last step is touching.

If you’ve made it this far, congratulations!

The last step consists of shifting your attention to the sensations of your skin. Notice the feeling on your skin when you’re having a warm shower, the skin contact with clothes or the pressure of your feet when you walk.

That’s it. Next time you feel super overwhelmed, try this exercise. You can set up a timer for 5-10 minutes, but if possible try to do this exercise longer.

Adult Colouring Books

Adult colouring books are one of the most interesting anti-stress tools. They can also unleash your creativity and help you focus on one task which is proven to diminish the effects of stress and anxiety.  Meditation can be difficult for beginners so adult colouring books are a great way to start practicing mindfulness.  In today’s society, we often feel perplexed by the paradox of choice, which makes us very stressed.  Adult colouring books help us focus on one single task. You choose how you’re gonna colour something and what the end result will be.  Art therapy has been proved to be successful in treating stress and anxiety, especially among older people.  So why not try it yourself? Who knows, maybe you’ll discover some hidden artistic potential.   There are plenty of adult colouring smart phone apps, such as colour therapy, you can download  Mindful Listening Exercise

The average person remembers only 25% of what they’ve heard in a conversation. Our minds keep wandering in different directions. Very often, you’ll find yourself in a group conversation in which you’re not even sure what the main topic is about.  This happens quite frequently to all of us.   Mindful listening has numerous benefits.  It can increase your empathy and deepen your relationships with other people, increase self-awareness, and improve your focus.  However, there are more fun mindfulness exercises you can try when it comes to improving your listening skills.  You can start with music or podcasts.  Put on a random playlist and pay attention to the lyrics of the songs.  You can also try podcasts.  Lay down, put your headphones on and enjoy.

Mindful Walking

Mindful walking is ideal for those people who spend a lot of time in the office and in front of their PCs.  Walking is a fantastic physical activity that requires you to be conscious about your environment.  All you need are comfortable shoes! If you can walk in the nature and breathe clean air even better.  Notice how your body feels when you’re moving, and breathe deep. Try not to let your mind wander, just be present and focus on the sole activity of walking.  You can also extend your focus to the sounds and things that happen around you.  Walk at a normal pace and don’t try to rush it.

Thank you to Miss Lisa in the front office for this recommendation - so many links to so many mindful activities!  Over 50 exercises to try!