About Us

Tana Dluhosova

EATS Board Member, 2021

In 2009–2013, I taught at the Center of Chinese Studies, Masaryk University (Brno), and I have been a research fellow at the Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) since 2013. In the years 2015–18 and 2019–20, I served as director of our institute’s Research Center hosted by the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica. My academic interests include the study of the post-war Taiwanese literary scene by applying Digital Humanities methods; literary sociology; censorship; language and ideology; and Taiwanese elites. I have published two monographs (2006, 2020) with Czech publishers as well as academic articles in peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Asian Studies, the European Journal of East Asian Studies, the Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, and Modern Chinese Literature and Culture.

The European Association of Taiwan Studies has played an important role in my professional career. As a doctoral student from Central Europe, where Taiwan Studies lacked a strong foundation at the time, the annual EATS meetings offered me a welcome opportunity to learn by observing more senior scholars, to present the results of my research, and to obtain much-needed feedback from more experienced international mentors and colleagues. I was happy to join a community of scholars who pay exemplary attention to the needs of graduate students and junior researchers and support them in a multitude of ways to help them advance their careers. I co-organized my first EATS conference in 2008 and, then still a Ph.D. student, I was honored to be elected an EATS Board member (2008–2012). The second conference as the local host was in 2016. In addition to the annual meetings, I organized two EATS summer workshops at Masaryk University during my stint in Brno. These were designed for graduate students from Central and Eastern Europe who, like me at the beginning of my career, had only scant opportunity to systematically study Taiwan at their home institutions. In 2011, I was awarded the Annual Prize of the French-Taiwanese Cultural Foundation of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques in recognition of my efforts to further understanding of Taiwan in Central and Eastern Europe. After joining the Oriental Institute, I received two bilateral research grants (funded by CAS, the Czech Grant Agency, and MOST). In 2020, I was selected to serve as the visiting Chair of Taiwan Studies at Leiden University.

Dr Táňa Dluhošová , Research Fellow, Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences.