Emergency Procedures


Should a fire alarm be sounded any time during the school day, including lunch, neither staff member nor student is to assume that it is a false alarm. All fire drill procedures are to be followed explicitly and without hesitation. Drills are practiced monthly according to State regulations. The East Penn School District participates in an annual county-wide Severe Weather Emergency Drill as directed by local and state authorities. 


Should a weather emergency be announced at any time during the school day, including lunch, all students and staff members are to quietly follow weather emergency procedures and wait for further instructions over the public address system. The East Penn School District participates in an annual county wide severe weather emergency drill


Staff and students in East Penn are trained annually in the Avoid, Deny, Defend protocol. AVOID, DENY, DEFEND represents a mindset shift away from the idea that locking down and hiding is the only way to respond to a violent incident. Instead, it encourages us to be alert and aware, and to respond to the situation as it unfolds using specific actions to protect ourselves from harm.