Health & Physical Education

At Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School, Health Education and Physical Education are combined to make up our wellness curriculum.  Courses offered within the department offer students a combination of “health” concepts and related “activities” designed to build the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to participate in an active, healthy life-style.

Students will take PE and Health all 5 years while in High School. Students must successfully complete four courses grades 9th-12th of Health and Physical Education (HPE) for graduation.  Eighth, ninth, and tenth grade students will take a half-year (two terms) of a combination of health and physical education.  Juniors and seniors participate in a half-year of physical education with a choice from a variety of PE/Health electives. 

The thematic focus of the program is “Improving Personal Wellness and Fitness.”  Students are introduced to wellness concepts in the classroom and then learn to apply them through specific physical activities.

Students are required to participate in physical education wearing appropriate attire for physical activity that enhances personal health, hygiene and safety.  This apparel includes sneakers, shorts or sweatpants, T-shirt or sweatshirt, and socks.

Ms. O'Connor

Department Chair

Ms. Boskus

Ms. Carey

Ms. Carey

Ms. Hallam

Mr. Mayo